Sunday, January 15, 2012

Welcome to my NEW Pokemon Blog!

As you can see, I have just recently made a blog about the world of Pokemon, and I would like to welcome everyone reading this post to my new blog! You probably know my Animal Jam blog, but if not, here is the link!

I hope you enjoy the new blog!

I would also like to thank DragonWolf70 for showing me how cool Pokemon really is!


  1. Did you just get your pokemon white? I have black but I got it when it came out! You'll love it! I can get you cheats for Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, Kyurem (Kyruem is a REALLY good pokemon!), Thundurus, Landorus. All of thise are legendaries found in pokemon white. (My little sister has pokemon white.) Also do you have wi-fi? Cause I could meet you in pokemon.

  2. Cool! I think I do have wi-fi, but I'm not 100% certain, and thanks for offering the cheats! :)

  3. Also, I actually got Pokemon White for Christmas 3 months ago.

    1. Cool. :D I got mine when it first came out. But I hope you do have wi-fi!
